Lab milestones (and failures)
Starting a lab can be an exciting and daunting adventure. Please find here a timeline of some of the major successes and setbacks that happened so far. Remember, no victory is too small!
Dr. Niell visit
Thank you Cris for sharing your fascinating work on active vision and octopuses!
Dr. Sarvestani visit
Thank you Madineh for a wonderful talk on organization of the visual system and the insightful conversations! Looking forward to having you visit again and the opening of your lab at Cornell!

Back in business
Congrats Alex, these responses are amazing!
They're here!!!!
NGP Neuroscience Bootcamp
Thank you Michael for this opportunity to contribute to the NGP Neuroscience bootcamp! Lots of beautiful recordings from the students, first step to converting to electrophysiology!
DP2 submitted!
Farewell Erik!
We wish you the best in your studies back at Notre Dame! It was great to have you in the lab this summer!
Alex joins the lab for his thesis!
Looking forward to working with you and seeing all the amazing science you'll do!
08/02/2023 and 08/03/2023
NURO posters and talk!
Great job presenting your work Erik!
Short listed for the Searle!
Sparse labeling working!
Beautiful RGC here!
Joint outing with the Werneburg lab
Thank you Sebastian for hosting us and everyone for a great time!
First round of succesful FISH!
And it worked beautifully!!! Congrats to Ari, Erik and Alex and many thanks to Marina and Elie for their help troubleshooting!
First round of immunostaining !
And it works! Posted here is Erik's staining, congrats!
U-M Neuroscience conference
It was great to get a glimpse of all the cool work being done here! Thanks to the organizers for a great event!
First lab meeting!
Hope everyone enjoyed the discussion (and the donuts!)
Alex joins the lab!
Alex will be with us for the summer through the NGP program for a rotation. Welcome Alex!
Erik joins the lab!
Erik will be with us for the summer through the SIREN program. Welcome Erik!
Tree shrew cages are here!!!
1st Grant rejection
It had to start at some point
2P cover done!
Ready to image!
First failed experiments!
It had to start at some point
First histology experiments!
We'll keep you updated if it worked!
Visiting the Niell lab at the University of Orgeon
Some really cool rigs, discussion and octopuses! Thanks everyone for making this such a great visit and Rolf, it was great to see you again!
Paper from the Cang lab out!!!!
Fresh from the press! We combined snRNAseq and 2P functional imaging to identify a molecular marker for direction selective neurons in the superior colliculus. Hopefully the first step towards understanding their contribution to vision and the identification of many more molecular markers for response selectivity!
Alfred is here!
Please welcome our newest lab member!!
04/16/2023 to 04/19/2023
First in-person Tree Shrew Discovery Meeting
The 2P is installed!
What a beautiful machiiiiine! Thank you Kush for setting it up!
Mouse surgery ready!
Everything is in place!
Renovations are done
The rooms are ready to be occupied and the floor is shiny!!
The 2-photon microscope is here!
and it's huge! Hopefully we'll be live imaging soon!
03/01/2023: UVa mice are here
Glad they made it all the way here and hoping they like their new home!
02/13/2023:Grant submission!
Let's hope this foundation is interested in the K-pathway as much as we are!
02/07/2023: Vibratome is here!
Getting ready for some serious histology: mapping the SC outputs and local circuits!
01/30/2023:Our first flood....
Apparently a rite of passage for any lab, glad it happened before anything was plugged in!
Thank you Beth and Laura for warning us!
01/25/2023: First snow!
Apparently it was not just a rumor.... Still haven't seen leaves on the trees so not sure it ever happens here....
01/20/2023: Ephys rig... work in progress!
Looking forward to hearing this "pop-corn" noise again!
01/12/2023: Laser is here!
After a small detour in Texas! the laser finally reached it's less sunny final destination of Ann Arbor.
01/10/2023: DEA approved!
This may not sounds that exciting, but it is a relief!
01/09/2023: Ari joins the lab!
Welcome to the lab! Ari is gearing up to become a shrew whisperer and the one who knows where everything is! If things are easy to find, instructions are clear and the cupboards full, that's thanks to him!
12/08/2022: Key to the lab
One of the happiest day of my life!
11/15/2022: Animal protocol approved!
May the shrews be with you!
08/22/2022: IBC approved!
First step on the compliance path! Required for the Animal protocol, which is required for the MTA, which is required for the animal to get here!
05/10/2022: Mission accepted!
Officially said "Yes I do" to opening a lab at the University of Michigan!
Very excited to join the MIP family and the Ophthalmology Department!